독일 프랑크푸르트 소재 독일건축박물관의 초청으로 16인의 한국 건축가가 참여하여 대규모 건축 전시회를 개최하였다. 황두진건축은 16명 참여 작가 중 하나일 뿐 아니라 건축가 조남호와 함께 전체 전시회를 디자인하는 책임을 맡았다.
독일 프랑크푸르트 DAM
전시기간: 2007. 12. 8 – 2008. 2.17
독일 베를린 DAZ
전시기간: 2008. 6. 27- 7.17
에스토니아 탈린
전시기간: 2009. 3. 20- 4. 26
스페인 바르셀로나
전시기간: 2009. 7.30- 9. 5
한국 과천 국립현대미술관
전시기간: 2009. 12. 23-2010. 3. 7
동영상 링크:
In late 2007, 16 Korean architects held an architectural exhibition at the Deutsches Architektur Museum in Frankfurt, Germany. DJHA was not only one of the 16 participating architects, but also assumed the responsibility of designing the exhibition, along with the architect Cho, Namho.
Venue: Deutches Architektur Museum, Frankfurt, Germany
Date: December 8, 2007 – February 17, 2008
Participants: 16 Korean architects including Doojin Hwang
The ‘Megacity Network: Contemporary Korean Architecture’ held in Frankfurt in 2007 toured to the second venue, Deutsches Architektur Zentrum(DAZ), in Berlin. The exhibition was held from June 27 through July 17, 2008.
The ‘Megacity Network: Contemporary Korean Architecture’ held in Frankfurt in 2007, and in Berlin in 2008 toured to its third venue, the Museum of Estonian Architecture in Tallinn. The exhibition was held from March 20 through April 26, 2009.
The ‘Megacity Network: Contemporary Korean Architecture’ held in Frankfurt in 2007, Berlin in 2008, and Tallinn in 2009 toured to its fourth venue, COAC, Espai Picasso in Barcelona, Spain. The exhibition was held from July 30 through September 5, 2009.