Doojin Hwang Architects

youngchoo forum
694 .  관리자

제45회 영추포럼(111013) 후기: 네임리스(나은중 유소래 대표)+이광호 작가

2011 10 20
Nameless Architecture as well as artist Kwangho Lee were the invited guests of the 45th Youngchoo Forum. Their presentation was interesting and well appreciated by everyone.

Nameless presented their offices in New York City and Seoul as interconnected entities: the former being a ground for ideas while the later is an open field for testing said ideas. We quickly realize that Nameless’ architecture is one in close contact with its environment. They believe, akin to the Butterfly effect, that an event happening in a given city can affect another city halfway across the world. This fragility and lack of stability inspires their architectural projects. Indeed, they all express lightness and are often changing through users’ interaction. Though none were built, Playcloud, [Con]temporary Infrastructure and Whiteout were the 3 most interesting projects presented.

Playcloud, winner of the BSA/AIA Unbuilt Architecture Award, is an installation designed to give light to Governors Island, near Manhattan. The proposition is to install an artificial cloud visible from most of the surrounding areas. The cloud would sway with the wind and respond to interactions by its users.

[Con]temporary Infrastructure is a new bridge built 20m above an old aqueduct in the Bronx. Inside, an interactive cultural flow passes through the structure replacing the water that used to flow in the aqueduct below. This bridge, by it’s shape and length, is reminiscent of some old utopian project of Rem Koolhaas. The interior spaces strike as being a contemporary rendition, in both shape, space, program and adaptability, of Cedric Price’s Fun Palace.

Whiteout, one of their latest projects, is quite inspiring on a structural point of view. Designed for an international competition in Winnipeg, Canada, this triangular ice pavilion is made of a 400m long wire-reinforced hose and water. As water freezes, the ensemble becomes structural and can stand on its own. Meant to be located on a frozen river to welcome skaters and strollers alike, the pavilion fits into its environment. Not only is the form supposed to give perspective in the whiteness of Winter, but once the temperature get warmer, the ice within the hose returns to water and is directly drained into the Assiniboine River.

Having used hoses as a material, they wanted to push the experiment even further. Hence, they contacted Kwangho Lee, an artist who knots hoses to make art pieces. They joined forces in an attempt to create an installation that would unite the human and the artificial while structuring the landscape in order to make an interesting space. Choosing a tree (for its resembling tectonic to a knotted hose) on the artist’s grand-father land, they created a niche in which it is possible to lay down, relax and be in direct connection with nature; a union between what is natural and what is artificial.

Nameless Architecture, always on a quest to blend in with their environment, is still in the process of experimenting with this interesting material.  As for artist Kwangho Lee, DJHA saw first hand his talent as he was also part of the exhibition “Unconventional Objects” at Takeout Drawing last July. We can only look forward to what their respective new projects are going to be.

David Martin, designer at DJHA

105 .  관리자

제47회 영추포럼-오피스박김(2012년 1월 12일 19:00)

2012 01 04

104 .  관리자

제46회 영추포럼(111216) 후기: 아이오와 주립대 건축학과 교수 지정우

2012 01 03

103 .  관리자

제46회 영추포럼-아이오와 주립대 건축학과 교수 지정우(2011년 12월 16일 ...

2011 11 15

102 .  관리자

제45회 영추포럼(111013) 후기: 네임리스(나은중 유소래 대표)+이광호 작가...

2011 10 20

101 .  관리자

제45회 영추포럼 - 네임리스 나은중 유소래 공동대표 (2011년 10월 13일 ...

2011 09 23

100 .  관리자

제44회 영추포럼(110825) 후기: 건축가 양성구

2011 09 20

99 .  관리자

제44회 영추포럼 - 건축가 양성구 (2011년 08월 25일 19:00)

2011 07 29

98 .  관리자

제43회 영추포럼(110609) 후기: 건축가 양수인

2011 06 27

97 .  관리자

제43회 영추포럼 - 건축가 양수인 (2011년 06월 09일 19:00)

2011 05 27

96 .  관리자

제42회 영추포럼(110414) 후기: 임진영 기자

2011 05 03

95 .  관리자

제42회 영추포럼 - 임진영 건축전문기자 (2011년 04월 14일 19:00)

2011 04 04

94 .  관리자

제41회 영추포럼(110217) 후기: 황지은 교수

2011 03 09

93 .  관리자

제41회 영추포럼(110217) 후기: 황지은 교수

2011 03 09

92 .  관리자

제41회 영추포럼 - 서울시립대학교 황지은 교수 (2011년 2월 17일 19:3...

2011 02 08

91 .  관리자

2011년 영추포럼 개요

2011 02 08

90 .  관리자

제40회 영추포럼(100616) 후기: 박태진 지속가능경영원장

2010 06 21

89 .  관리자

제40회 영추포럼 - 지속가능경영원 박태진 원장 (2010년 6월 16일 19:0...

2010 06 07

88 .  관리자

제39회 영추포럼 (100318) 후기: 김효은 외교통상부 기후변화팀장

2010 03 26

87 .  관리자

제39회 영추포럼 : 김효은 외교통상부 기후변화팀장 (2010년 3월18일 19:...

2010 03 03

86 .  관리자

제38회 영추포럼(090924) 후기: 박영목 변호사

2009 10 12

85 .  관리자

제37회 영추포럼(090625) 후기: 김성홍 교수

2009 07 17

84 .  관리자

제36회 영추포럼(090107) 후기: 김석영 전 Li & Fung 부사장

2009 01 09

83 .  관리자

제35회 영추포럼(080728) 후기: Kathryn Gustafson

2008 08 12

82 .  유승은

제35회 영추포럼 - 조경건축가 Kathryn Gustafson 특별강연

2008 07 24

81 .  

제 34회 영추포럼 (080328) 후기 : 이응진 변호사

2008 04 22

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